Swag or Not to Swag
For authors, we want to get our cover and name out
there among our readers and potential readers. Hence, SWAG! (Stuff we all get)
But does it really work?
The consensus is no. It’s nice and can be a great
item to have on hand for conventions but it doesn’t really sell your book.
Recently, I sent out four boxes filled with swag that I picked up at various
conferences. These were wonderful items and fun to get…everything from sample
chapters to pens, to condoms to bookmarks and charms. But none of them enticed
me to buy a book. They did come home with me…I didn’t throw them away (which is
what happens to 80% of all swag).

If you are interested in more information on SWAG,
check out the following blog posts about it.
Red Slipper Sisterhood: http://www.rubyslipperedsisterhood.com/to-swag-or-not-to-swag/
IndTale Magazine: http://www.indtale.com/swag-or-not-swag
Even broken souls deserve a second chance at love…
Elementary Teacher,
Michelle Alt’s faced untold trials in her life, yet she continues to do what’s
right to make things better for the next generation.
Cowboy Veterinarian,
Preston Hall has lost everything in order to follow his dreams and return to
his grandfather’s small town practice.
These two broken souls
recognize each other’s pain and come together to heal, but fear and
misunderstandings send their blossoming relationship into a tailspin. Will they
be able to put aside their pain to find the love of a lifetime?
from “Claiming a Cowboy’s
With her floral shoulder bag hanging from her
arm, Michelle Alt approached the dead raccoon. The smell overwhelmed her.
Pinching her nose, she took deep breaths through her mouth. The full moon
illuminated the intersection across from her school. People should learn to
drive slower on this street. This time a raccoon, someday a child.
She squatted and dumped the contents of her
purse on the asphalt. Removing the cheap dollar-store clothespin from her
purse, she dealt with the smell and closed off her nose. The spring had just
enough strength to press her nostrils together without hurting. With her hands
free, she selected a yellow pair of sunglasses from inside her bag and slipped
them on the raccoon’s face. A smile flitted across her lips.
“That’s a start.” Looking at the pile of junk
sitting at her side, she removed a couple of more items, setting a red plastic
cup with a paper umbrella next to the raccoon’s hand. Last, she inserted a
small bottle of sunscreen between his arm and body then cleaned up the
remaining materials, stuffing them into her bag.
It’s perfect. He looks like he’s resting in the sun. Another day at the
beach for Mr. Raccoon.
She glanced at her watch. Crap, I need to run. I hate asking Mom to watch my
daughter for these little acts of willful disobedience. Thank goodness, she’s
more than happy to watch Connie, even for, in her words, ‘a waste of time’. But
I’m so thankful to have her helping me. I’d never be able to do it all alone. Standing,
she slipped her bag over her shoulder, glanced down the street—no one in
sight—and dashed off toward home.
A deep sigh escaped her lips. The porch light
glimmered in the distance. Almost home and no one the wiser. I can’t wait to
see what people think of this roadkill art. All caught up in her fantasy,
she bumped into a brick wall. “Umph.” Michelle raised her gaze and locked on
the fullest lips she’d ever seen. Are they as soft as they look?
“I’m sorry,” the wall spoke. “I didn’t see
Links: (Preorder- Available
on Nov. 30th)
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Cowboys-Forever-Allison-Merritt-ebook/dp/B017JKFNWS/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
You can find Melissa at:
Blog: http://www.melissakeir.com/blog
Website: http://www.melissakeir.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissaakeir
Thanks Melissa, for dropping by and
sharing that great tip on swag.
Don’t forget to check back next week
for another author’s tip or tweak.
Thank you for having me. I really have decided to pare down my swag this year. It's hard not to want a bunch of things but seriously, if it's being thrown away... that's money being thrown away!!
ReplyDeleteSwag is my way of saying thank you to my readers! I don't buy a lot of it, personal things every now and then. :)
ReplyDeleteJennifer... that makes sense... do you give it away with each book bought? or for giveaways?