author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux is the Co-Founder and a lifetime member of Bayou
Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Multi-published in romantic fiction
as well as creative non-fiction, her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational
with an Edge!” ™ and reviewed as “steamier
and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.” Sign up to receive Pam’s newsletter and get a FREE short
Character Interview
Beverley: What’s
your name?
Melena: Melena
Beverley: Where did you grow up?
Melena: Born and raised in Mississippi. Had never left home alone
until my venture to Utopia, TX.
Beverley: During what time period does your story take place?
Melena: The Crossed Penn Ranch in Utopia, TX. Although mine is told in modern day, the story
of living through grief is timeless.
Beverley: What’s your story/back story? Why would someone come up with a story
about you?
Melena: My Heart Weeps
begins the day of my husband’s funeral and continues through my journey of
grief into new life and possibly new love. Pamela chose to tell my story
because she experienced this same level of loss in her own life when her
husband passed away in 2009.
Beverley: What’s your goal in this story?
Melena: I hope to show people everywhere that God has a plan for
each of our lives and regardless what valleys we go through – death, divorce,
loss of a job – there is HOPE on the other side of grief.
Beverley: What
conflicts are you facing?
Melena: My biggest conflict is dealing with my husband’s death.
Then there’s the choice to open up to the possibility of love again…
Beverley: Do you have a
plan for resolving them?
Melena: To think too far ahead much less plan anything is too
overwhelming. My only goal but to get through one day at a time as whole as
Beverley: Is there
anything else you’d like us to know about you?
Melena: I’m an artist. God has given us each a gift or talent.
I’ve always used my talent as a means to gift others, but at the Crossed Penn
Ranch, my talent flourished into much more than I ever dreamed possible. This
is another takeaway from my story…. God is not finished with you! Allow HIM to
work through you in whatever gift He has given, and you’ll be amazed, and
surprised, at how your life may turn out.
Blurb for My
Heart Weeps:
After thirty years married to the man
of her dreams, Melena Rhyker is devastated by her husband's death. Relief comes
in the form of an artist's retreat at the Crossed Penn ranch in Utopia, TX. She
rediscovers a forgotten dream as her artistic talent flourishes into that of a
gallery-worthy artist. Will she have the courage to follow the path she was
destined to travel?
Garrett Saunders has been on the run most of his life.
Abused and abandoned as a child, he escapes the clutches of a past filled with
pain and shame, and hides from his calling as a Native American healer. His
years as a CIA agent aid in overcoming his childhood and honing his talent and
skill as a fine art photographer.

Excerpt from My Heart
“So did all this
frivolous energy give you any ideas about the future? There’s a light in your
eyes that wasn’t there this morning.”
smiled. “You always could look right into my soul. Actually, I’m thinking I
should take your advice and quit my job or take an extended leave of absence.”
“I think
that’s a great idea. Have you put numbers together with your finances to see
how long you could go without a regular income?”
“Only in
my head, but I think I have enough for the better part of this year.”
“What will
you do? I mean, staying holed up in the house is definitely not healthy.”
leaned back in her chair with a sigh. “It’s never easy, is it? I mean, I get
all excited about finally making a decision for myself, and up pops a dozen
other issues to consider.”
thought a moment, shrugged. “Maybe I'll work on my art. Jon always said I have
talent and that I should do something with it. But I’ve been content to use it
only as a means to gift others. Maybe if I put as much passion and energy into
painting and glass work as I did my marriage, our home, and our life together, I
could be successful enough to earn a decent living.” She blew out a breath. “I
don't know...I can't think past tomorrow or next week, much less the future.
It's all so overwhelming.”
Heart Weeps
is on sale for a
limited time @ 99 cents and FREE on Kindle Unlimited!
Buy Link:
Social Media Links:
Twitter: @psthib
Author Page:
Pam is giving away 1 Ebook, 1 Autographed
Print Book, 1 Audio Book, a $15 Amazon Gift Card, a 1-month Audible membership
and a SURPRISE Giftpack to 6 lucky people! (1 prize per winner) Names will be
collected throughout the tour which ends Sept. 30th. Winners will be notified,
and prizes awarded by October 10th so be sure to leave your EMAIL