Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Writing Prompts

Do you use any?

I’m not sure it’s a prompt, but they say you should write every day. I try, but don’t always make it. When I really has trouble writing I made myself write for ten minutes.  Then when that became a habit again I increased it to fifteen minutes and found that I was writing a lot more.
Other people start a new scene and write a line or two so they can pick it up from there the next day.
But there are also prompts that sound interesting. Good reads published first line/s for horror week. I’ve heard of this one. You’re given a few lines and writes a short story or a few paragraphs. I haven’t tried it yet, but the Halloween ones sound like fun.
Daily Writing Tips https://www.dailywritingtips.com/writing-prompts-101 says writing prompt is simply a topic around which you start jotting down ideas. The prompt could be a single word, a short phrase, a complete paragraph or even a picture, with the idea being to give you something to focus upon as you write. You can check their website for more info and other references.
Here are some of their writing tips.
  • He hadn’t seen her since the day they left High School.
  • The city burned, fire lighting up the night sky.
  • Silk.
  • She studied her face in the mirror.
  • The smell of freshly-cut grass.
  • They came back every year to lay flowers at the spot.
  • The streets were deserted. Where was everyone? Where had they all gone?
  • This time her boss had gone too far.
  • Red eyes.
  • Stars blazed in the night sky.
  • He woke to birdsong.
  • ‘Shh! Hear that?’ ‘I didn’t hear anything.’
  • He’d always hated speaking in public.
  • She woke, shivering, in the dark of the night.
  • The garden was overgrown now.
  • He’d never noticed a door there before.
  • She’d have to hitch a ride home.
  • ‘I told him not to come back too!’
  • His feet were already numb. He should have listened.
  • I'd love to hear if you use writing prompts. and maybe some you use.

    1. I love writing prompts to get the thoughts flowing. I used to be in charge of weekly ones for my chapter. I did the Use the following words in a paragraph. Bonus points for using them in order. Then I would do a list of seven disconnected words to use. Loved what some people came up with.

      1. That sounds interesting and fun. Thanks for sharing, Jill.

    2. Those are great. Scholatic.com has done them for younger authors and I would use old calendars (the images) for writing prompts for my students.

      1. Thanks, Melissa. Sounds like a great way to work with students.

    3. I love writing prompts too! One of the exercises in my writing class was to think of wacky prompts & swap with others. It's a fun way to get thinking. And I still use them today when I need to get in the writing mode. Here's one I use to think of titles:
      Do freewriting exercises and brainstorm ideas for titles. Write down anything associated with the story (Vikings, witch, Celts, Scotland, paranormal romance) or go through the alphabet from A to Z and jot down three to five words for each letter that describes your story, then mix and match them.

      1. Now that sounds like an interesting way to brain storm titles. Thanks Kelli. I'm going to try that with my latest book.
