Thursday, May 7, 2015

Where Do Your Characters Come From?

As a reader, do you ever wonder if the author has based any of the characters on themselves? Or did they base them on a friend or relative?
As an author, where do your characters come from?
Is it a friend., or maybe someone you work with and don't like? What about a relative? Or maybe you saw someone on the street and jotted down a few notes and they become a secondary character in your book.
Did you see a character on TV and adapt them to your book?
I find most of my characters in my mind as I'm waking up in the morning. When I go to bed I think about the character I want to write and the plot. Who would fit?
Sometimes I find a character in a newspaper article and think - "Oh, I'd like to make him a villain in one of my story's." I write everything I think I need and save the info until I have a story he'll fit in to.
And I admit to including people I worked with who I disliked and I put them in a book as an unpopular secondary character and maybe killed them off.
Are any of my characters based on me?  I think I'll pass on that question.
What about you?
What are your thoughts or questions on the characters you read about?
Where do your characters come from?
And I wrote this from my point of view - contemporary. What about those who write historical or sci-fi? Where do your characters come from?


  1. Hi Beverley, some of my characters are based on real people, including myself. A nice article. All the best to you.

  2. That's interesting and so cool, that some of the characters ate based on yourself. Now I'll have to read the books and try to figure out which ones. :) Thanks for sharing

  3. My characters come from pieces of people I know or see. For example, Steve in Second Time's the Charm came from my ex-husband with a bunch of anger issues.

  4. Now that I can relate to. Thanks Melissa.

  5. For's experience and imagination mixed with curiosity. I personally don't prefer to write directly from my life but things hit me all the same. :)

  6. Oh, I like that. Love 'the imagination mixed with curiosity', Thanks, Christina.
