Monday, April 30, 2018

Writers Block

Do you have it? Have you had it? How did you handle it?
I don’t have writers block. I just don’t have time to write. I have so many other things to do, my blog, getting a new website, keeping up with emails and twitter, volunteering for my online chapter and now it’s gardening season and I need to get the garden ready ... You get the idea, but it’s not writers block.   I mean, I just don’t have time to write – right now.  

Writers block comes in many ways. The most obvious is staring at the screen and not being able to put any words down. Suggestions for that include take a break, go for a walk, read a book, when you go to bed, think of the challenge you’re having and maybe the answer will come during the night or early morning. Pick any subject and write a couple of paragraphs on it. Talk it out with a friend.  Do you have any suggestions? What do you do?

Someone once said there is no such thing as writers block. It means you have researched your story well enough. You don’t have enough information so go back and do more research. Also, you might be trying to make your characters do something that’s not who they are, so ask them how they would handle the situation you’ve put them in.

In my case, it’s like when you have exercised for awhile; it’s very hard to get back to the gym or the running track. I need to set my priorities, which is writing, sit down and write, even if it’s garbage. Write every day. I am going to do that. I am rereading the story so I can meet my characters again and get excited about the story.  If you have other suggestions, let me know.

Now back to my story.


  1. Beverley, you have covered most of my usual suggestions. All of them work some time, not at others.

    I usually have several projects going. When one slows, I switch, unless there is a deadline.

    If I want to stay with a particular piece of writing, I'll switch to a different part, for example skip ahead. I will write all the high points of a story, and cobble them together later.

    I'll ask myself if I am trying to get my created people to act out of character, and let them tell me what I should write.

    I set myself a problem (including a writing problem) before settling for sleep, and often wake with the solution.

  2. Thanks Bob. We seem to think a lot alike on this, but I didn't think of switching to a different part, as in skipping ahead, and then putting it together later. Thanks for that one.

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