Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Check This One Out - Plus a Free Book

Guy Ogan was born in Washington D.C. during the early stages of WW-II. His father served overseas with the Office of Strategic Services, so he and his mother relocated to her parent’s home in Texas for the duration of the war. After the war they returned to Northern Virginia, while his father continued to serve in what became the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.). As a teen in Arlington, VA Guy ran cross-country and track and road an old BSA Bantam motorcycle. He moved with his parents to his father’s new job in Los Altos, CA in the late 50’s where Guy continued to run cross-country and track. Guy attended Foothill J.C. (A.A. Degree) transferring to Texas Christian University (B.S. commissioning as a 2nd Lt. in the USAF). Guy served a bit over 20 years and was assigned to such far flung locations as Rantoul, IL, the island of Okinawa (pre-reunification with Japan), Austin, TX, Keflavik, Iceland, Soesterberg, The Netherlands (where he obtained an M.A. in Counseling Psychology, Psych.) /subsequently he was assigned to Abilene, TX/then, 15th Air Force Hq, March Field in Southern California before his retirement and through Ball State's European Campus). He then returned to West Texas (completing an M.Ed. at Hardin-Simmons University). After retirement from the USAF, Guy operated an Assessment Clinic for ADHD, writing an assessment guide, “Can Anyone Help My Child?’ He then worked for the TX Dept. of Criminal Justice writing drug treatment programs for inmates and performing psychological intake evaluations. Upon the death of his father, Guy retired as an Associate Clinical Psychologist to care for his mother who had Alzheimer’s. Upon her death he found the photograph (shown on page 2 of “Immortal Relations” spurring Guy to write his “Immortal Relations” series. The stories are written as if transcribed from his diaries written about his becoming a vampire.

I would like to explain why I started writing my "Immortal Relations" series.

  After my mother passed away, I had been taking care of her once my father passed, I had to clean out father's many file cabinets. Finally reaching the last drawer in the oldest file I found a small, sealed, envelope, stained and yellow with age. Picking it up to throw it in the trash, it made a clicking sound, as if something had moved inside of the envelope. Tearing it open, an old, black and white photograph fell out. The picture was of my father as a young man in his 20's standing in front of a very ancient building with a clock-face on it.

  Had I thrown it away at that point, I would have never written anything; however, I turned it over. There, in my father's bold script, was "Prague, Czechoslovakia." Again, had I tossed the photograph at that point all would have been well. BUT NO, I noticed something else on the back. I looked more closely and near the bottom, in a feminine hand was "I will always be waiting for you".

   Realizing what that meant, things my late mother had said when I was far too young to understand, but which she had said with such pain in her voice, came roaring out of my subconscious. I sat down in my computer's chair and started writing my feelings of betrayal as a cathartic exercise. I imagined that I would go to Prague in a vain attempt to find out if what my mother said, "He is over there with that woman" and later, "He has had a child with that woman!" She had asked then (I was less than six years old), what I would do if she divorced my father. Not fully knowing at the time what divorce meant, I'd said something like, "If he hurt you, you should leave."

Anyway, working through my feelings, I finally thought that with some work what I had written might make an interesting story in which I could put some of my military knowledge and experience as well as my political beliefs. So was born the first book in what is currently a three-part series. You can look at the copy of the photograph, it is on page two of the first book

Book excerpt from Immortal Relations, the first book in the series (I love dogs as my novels show) The guardian vampires of the Residency Coven are sworn to protect innocent humans but had never interceded to help animals. Gary Logan, now a vampire, has lost none of his love of small animals, especially cats and dogs. Here Gary and the two ladies are in a monitoring station watching for evil be it vampires, criminals or political thugs):

"We continued to monitor the screens, but nothing else happened until about 9 p.m. when I saw a large man chasing a little dog down a side street. He carried what looked like a rusty old pipe. Fearing he’d kill the dog, I asked Evy if we could do anything. She said they’d never responded to help an animal…I felt that I had to do something to help the dog and asked where that street was.

“Four streets to the north and about a mile to the east,” she said.

My love for little animals hadn’t abated any by becoming a vampire, and I said I needed to do something to help that dog.

Maggie said she’d go with me. It was dark and a weeknight, so little traffic and no pedestrians were out. I ran the mile without stopping to confront the man. I moved so fast, no human could see me. As I flew past the man, I tapped the end of the iron pipe, causing it to fly out of his hand and I caught the pipe as I continued on. This occurred so fast, his brain couldn’t register what had happened; he slowed and looked at his hands and then stopped to turn around, looking behind him for the pipe he must have dropped. By this time, I’d stopped in the shadows under some trees a mile farther down and simply crushed the old iron pipe into dust.

It was then that Maggie found me. “I’ve never seen anyone run that fast. You didn’t run that fast at the quarry…how could you run so much faster now?”

I looked at her and said, “I was running for fun at the quarry, but just now, I had to save that little dog. I just can’t stand to see a small animal hurt or killed.”

She hugged and kissed me, “I think you are one of the most soft-hearted people, let alone vampires, that ever existed.”

I shrugged, “I wish it were this easy to save all the unwanted animals; in America, they kill thousands of dogs and cats each day, just because no one wants them. It always breaks my heart to think about it…”

I told her I couldn’t think of a more terrible condemnation of someone than they would harm a dog or a cat!

She kissed me again and said, “Let’s go back to Evy.” as we walked back arm in arm, we saw a woman, who must have been the man’s wife scolding him, as she carried the little dog in her arms, so I felt it was safe.

Once back in the monitoring room, Maggie told Evy what happened as I sat in a chair, my head down, trying not to think about little animals being harmed. Evy turned and asked if I’d heard the story of “Ferdinand the Bull” and said I was like Ferdinand, strong but with a soft heart…I could only say, “Thank you.”

Buy links for

Book #1 “Immortal Relations” *

Book #2 “Immortal Relations"

Book #3 “Immortal Relations Coming Out”

*The first book has some erotic content. For those who prefer less “explicit togetherness” I suggest starting with book #2 as it has a conversation between major characters that covers the important points of the first book. It still has “togetherness” just a bit less “explicit.”

Author’s Social Media links:

Blogs: http://immortalrelations.blogspoticom/

Facebook: (I rarely have time to get on social media).

Guy is offering a FREE digital Amazon-Kindle copy of any of the three novels in my “Immortal Relations” series to the most interesting blog comment or reply. Winner to be pickof the blog's time. The winner will be picked by the author, who will post the winner’s name at the end of the blog. The winner MUST send their e-mail address to Once the author has the e-mail address he will have a digital copy of the chosen “Immortal Relations” novel sent by Amazon-Kindle to that e-mail address. If you don’t have a Kindle, you can get a free copy of the App for your computer or tablet from Kindle.


  1. Thanks Beverley for allowing me to be on your blog! I hope we get a comment or two about the blog so I can select a winner and post that name on the end of the blog.

  2. Perhaps someone who is "snowed in" will visit the blog this weekend so I can give them their book.
