Character Interview
Beverley: What’s your name? Dodge: Dodge Vasilius
Beverley: Where did you grow up?
Dodge: I was born and have grown up in Vancouver Canada.
Beverley: During what time period does your story take place?
Dodge: This story happens in the humid heat of summer.
Beverley: What’s your story/back story? Why would someone come up with a story about you?
Dodge: I always thought I was kind of boring. Just an average guy. I’m an ironworker who works on the top of skyscrapers every day. I started the job right out of high school and I love it.
Beverley: What’s your goal in this story?
Dodge: To win Maxine Reeves’ love.
Beverley: What conflicts are you facing?
Dodge: Well, Max just recently broke up with my co-worker Garth. He ‘tapped’ her and she turfed him. I know Garth and I could never figure out why a classy lady like Maxine was doing with a jerk like him. Now I have to convince her that I’m not like him.
Beverley: Do you have a plan for resolving them?
Dodge: Well, showing up is a start. I’m going to check up on her to make sure she’s going to press charges against her abuser. Am I hoping she might let me in? A guy can hope.
Beverley: Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you?
Dodge: I’m a determined man. I’ve been in love with Maxine for a long time now and I’m going to convince her that I’m her forever guy.
Ironworker Dodge Vasilius has been in love with LGBTQ social worker Maxine Reeves since he first met her at a party when her date abandoned her. She’s way out of his league. Except she’s finally left the abusive jerk. Dodge is just checking to make certain she’s safe. Because making a move on the newly single Maxine would be classless…right?

Excerpt for For the Love of Max
Procrastinating was getting him nowhere. She was either home or she wasn’t. She was either going to kick him off her property or she wasn’t. She was either going to let him in or she wasn’t.
Wiping his damp palms against his jeans, he sauntered up the steps and knocked.
The door cracked, but the safety chain prevented it from opening fully. He glimpsed a veil of long, black hair.
“Maxine?” She squinted. Damn. The sun behind him was bright in her eyes, casting him in deep shadows.
“It’s Dodge. Remember me? I brought you home after the company Christmas party?” After Garth got wasted and abandoned you? Happy to step in, Dodge had driven her home, trying not to look at her gorgeous legs encased by her tight silver skirt and sheer pantyhose. Red-blooded man he was, he’d adjusted himself when she looked away and had done his best to hide his erection when escorting her to the door.
“Wait.” Say something that’ll keep her talking.
The door closed, opening a moment later.
Dodge was a sucker for sun-kissed light-brown skin, wavy long black hair, almond-shaped dark-brown eyes, soft cheekbones, and a pert nose. The bangs were new as was the yellowing bruise on her cheek.
Ducking her head, Maxine’s hand shot to the bruise.
He gently touched her chin, and when she didn’t recoil, he tipped it, forcing her gaze to his. “The man is an animal. I’m not like him.”
The smile was tentative. “I know.” Soft words, replete with meaning.
Not going to send him away. Yet. But he needed more.
Maxine extended her hand, which he gratefully took. The electric shock shot through him, so strong he expected a blue arc between them.
Her cheeks flushed, her gaze flying to his before lowering. She tried to pull away, but he held tight.
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