This week author Kathy Otten joins us
with her tip.In between family,
work and animals Kathy can be found at her computer weaving stories of
laughter, heartache, and love for the crazy cast of characters swirling around
in her head.
Tip on Writing Body Language
writers we are constantly reminded to show, not tell our stories.
was angry. Show. How? Slamming of the door, swearing. Refine it some more. How would a man show his anger differently from a woman? A child?
it to a deeper level as you more thoroughly define your character,
incorporating the social environment surrounding your character and their
about how your character reacts to other characters, situations, conflicts and
even their own emotions.
understanding of body language is a key element in being able to show your
story to your reader in a believable way.
authors we should never tell the reader whether or not to like a character. In
the same way we form judgments and opinions of people based on our
interpretation of their body language, the reader too, forms opinions about our
characters, based on the visuals the writer creates.
what is body language?
Body language is the non-verbal communication
of feelings, attitudes, and moods. It is
shown through body posture, movement, facial expression, eye movement and
position in relation to other people. It can be conscious or unconscious.
language is partly inborn or inherited (and consistent among all humans) and
partly environmental (dependent on society groups and cultures).
Universal Facial Expressions- Inherited rather than
Happiness Disgust Sadness Surprise Fear Anger
ancestors needed to be able to read the body language of not only other humans,
but animals, in order to know whether to trust, defend or attack.
have a better perception and interpretation of body language than men, probably
because they needed good body language perception to reduce their vulnerability
to males and the threat not only to their own lives but their children.
language is also relative to age and gender. The frontal lobe of the brain,
which processes the subtle nuances of facial expression isn’t fully formed
until the early twenties, which is why teens sometimes misinterpret the
reactions of teachers and parents.
young also tend to display more obvious gestures because they are naturally
energetic, uninhibited and subtle. While older folks are less energetic, adopt
more modest postures and are prevented by clothing and upbringing to use less
pronounced gestures.
body language also depends on context. Someone could be rubbing their eye
because of irritation, fatigue, disbelief, or upset. Crossed arms could
indicate someone is cold and they are trying to stay warm, or they could be
feeling defensive. Someone scratching their nose could indicate a lie or an
thinking about those reactions which are unconscious like breathing, like rapid
pulse, or body temperature also remember that they must be taken in context.
Think about seeing someone with a rapid pulse, breathing heavily and
perspiring. Have they just returned from a run? Are they sitting at their desk
at work? Maybe they are in an interrogation room at the police station.
voice is not usually considered a part of the study of body language, as
writers, he tone and pitch of our character’s voice is important. It might be unconscious or conscious. How might a person react vocally to a sudden
fright or shock? What about while making love?
the human tendency to lie, deceive, manipulate and pretend. Of course the
degree of each varies with each of your characters. Now think about two people making love when
one hates the other, or the killer reacting with surprise at the death of his
person giving a speech before a large audience might unconsciously stammer or
talk softly. In order to appear before the crowd as the confident person they
are not, they might have to consciously remember to speak loudly and clearly.
language also involves touch, how we touch ourselves and others. How close to
we get to people depends on our level of intimacy with that person.
Morris, Behavioral Scientist, Intimate
Behavior: A Zoologist’s Classic Study of Human Intimacy , came up with the
12 Stages of Physical Intimacy.
Eye to Body2. Eye to Eye
3. Voice to Voice
4. Hand to Hand
5. Arm to Shoulder
6. Arm to Waist
7. Mouth to Mouth
8. Hand to Head
9. Hand to Body
10. Mouth to Breast
11. Hand to Genitals
12. Sexual Intercourse
seen these steps used by romance writers as they develop the intimacy between
the two main characters, but they actually reflect the level of our
relationship between the people around us.
about people in your family, the people you work with, or strangers on the
street. What level of intimacy to you allow with each person? What happens when
someone jumps ahead to a level you have not allowed.
Danger! Danger! Stages 1-3 are what we use most everyday, making eye contact and having conversation with people. Moving into Stage 4 is the first step into physical contact. Allowing someone to touch us is makes us vulnerable. Which is why you can only be tickled by someone you trust.
How does your character interact with their environment? Do they fiddle with the pens on their desk, smoke, twirl their glasses, fuss with their clothing?
eyes have often been called the windows to the soul and writers use eyes to
help show a character’s reactions. Without words the eyes can communicate
strong emotion and likewise create strong reactions.
you write, think about how your characters react to their environment,
circumstances and other characters. Replace some of your speech tags and
instead use body language to show your story.
from “After the Dark”

Now the only bright spot in his monotonous life is the time he spends each day walking with Rosalie Moretti. Their talks give him hope for the future, a future possibly to include this vibrant, loving woman. Until one dark, catastrophic afternoon, when Liam realizes the reason his life was spared has come down to minutes and his ability to perform one selfless act.
Excerpt From “After The Dark”
The warmth of
Rosalie’s palm pressed against his free hand.
Heat rushed to his cheeks, and between their
palms, his skin dampened. He laced his fingers with hers. With the pad of his thumb, he traced the top of her hand. Her skin was so smooth.
Were all women this soft, or had
he just never noticed?
She tugged him forward, and loath to
release his hold, he followed her up the steps.
He cast one quick glance over his
shoulder toward the city livery and blacksmith shop. He should return to his
beat, walk around the tank, and chase away the lads and lasses who’d come with
their pails to collect the constantly dripping molasses.
But when he looked back at Rosalie, a
secretive smile teased the edges of her full lips, as though she were aware of
her own seductive power over him. And like a green lad, fresh off the boat, he
allowed her to lead him inside.
Barnes and Noble:
The Wild Rose Press:
You can find Kathy at:
Thanks Kathy, for dropping by and
sharing that great marketing tip.
Don’t forget to check back next week
for another author’s tip or tweak.
Wonderful post! Showing vs Telling is tough for everyone!
ReplyDeleteOh my ! What a wonderful post. Many things to think about when writing, especially romance.
ReplyDeleteHi Beverley,
ReplyDeleteThanks for having me on your blog today. Sorry I'm so late in stopping by, but thunder storms moved through this morning and my internet went down. All good at the moment. :)
No problem. Weather can play havoc with internet. Glad you made it.
DeleteHi Melissa,
ReplyDeleteThank you. Telling isn't all bad though. Since we can't show our whole story, we have to carefully pick the scenes and characters we want to show to the reader. :)
Hi Vicki,
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by. The more I researched body language the tougher it was to pick the points I wanted to high light for this blog. It's a fascinating subject especially thinking about how we interact with objects and how we touch ourselves. :)