Halloween is only three days away. I remember my Halloween days. they were a lot more fun than today, at least in my opinion.
We made our own costumes. Princesses, superman, cowboys and ghosts were big back then. We trekked through our neighborhood with all our friends, and our pillowcases (yes, I'm that old) shouting trick-or-treat. Some people asked us inside to perform a trick. Usually we sang a song and got our treats.
Then some idiot put needles in an apple and the whole atmosphere began to change. We had to check all the apples and candy brought home for needles or other things
Now we buy our costumes, which in my opinion are not always age appropriate. And fewer children traipse through the neighborhood yelling trick-or-treat.
With Halloween approaching I thought I'd share the history of our Canadian Halloween, which I researched.
Halloween has Celtic origins. In pre-Christian times, many people believed that spirits from the underworld and ghosts of dead people could visit the world of the living on the night of October 31st. These spirits could harm the living or take them back to the underworld. (Hmm - maybe the beginning of the zombies?) To avoid this, people started dressing up as ghosts and spirits if they left their homes on October 31st. They hoped this would confuse the ghosts and spirits.
Halloween was also a time, when spirits might give messages to people. In some areas, it was traditional for unmarried girls to pour molten lead into water. the shape that the lead took when it hardened was seen as a clue to the professions of their future husbands. Halloween traditions were brought to Canada by Irish and Scottish immigrants. Halloween is now celebrated in a range of countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia.
Halloween is celebrated in Canada on October 31st every year. It is a day to mark the single night in the year when, according to old Celtic belief, spirits and the dead can cross over into the world of the living. I believe this is the night b people try and contact Houdini.
Some people hold parties and children mat trick-or-treat in their neighborhood, or one of the busier, larger neighborhoods. Today it isn't unusual for parents to drive their children to areas where they think they will get the best 'loot.'
Some people put a lot of effort into decorating their homes, yards and driveways. they may even construct life-size replica graveyards or dungeons. Today you can also buy a lot of these things from larger stores. Other people organize costume parties for adults and/or children. Popular activities at parties include watching horror films and trying to scare the guests.
There are special foods associated with Halloween. These include packaged candy, toffee apples roasted corn, popcorn and pumpkin pie. Halloween beer, which is made by adding pumpkin and spices to the mash before fermenting it, is also available in liquor stores.
Children also take part in a long-standing Canadian tradition of 'Trick-or-Treat for Unicef.'
Pumpkin carving contests, pumpkin art tours, a reading marathon and symbolic Walks for Water are just a few examples of the educational and fundraising activities schools and children develop to help provide thousands of children in developing countries with basic quality education.
There is a wide range of Halloween symbols. These include black cats, spiders and figures such as ghosts, skeletons, witches and wizards. Pumpkins, graveyards, cobwebs, haunted houses and the colors green, orange, grey and black are also associated with Halloween. these symbols are used to decorate homes and party venues and are seen on costumes, gift paper, cards. cookies, cakes and candy.
Anyone want to share their memories of Halloween or maybe a favorite costume they made?
Monday, October 28, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Our theme for October is the paranormal. What better to talk
about with Halloween right around the corner?
The paranormal is also very popular in books these days, with vampires
and zombies and other world themes in so many genres. It’s also big on TV. This
year we have Dracula.
So are you a believer in the paranormal or a skeptic? I’m a
believer. I’ve always believed in ghosts and several years ago I was in New
Orleans. Two girlfriends and I were staying in one of the old hotels in the
French Quarter. It was a brick structure
and we were on the top floor with the slanted roof. We’d explored the French
Quarter that evening. I’d bought one of those yummy praline cookies and put it,
in its little paper bag, on the stand beside my bed.
We went to bed and fell asleep. A few hours later I was wakened by a rustling sound. I lay there with my eyes closed trying to figure out what it might be. I decided we must have mice and it was eating my cookie. I didn’t open my eyes. (Okay, I’m a coward.) I didn’t want to see the mouse and scream and wake everyone up. The scrunching of the paper continued for maybe fifteen minutes, or more.
We went to bed and fell asleep. A few hours later I was wakened by a rustling sound. I lay there with my eyes closed trying to figure out what it might be. I decided we must have mice and it was eating my cookie. I didn’t open my eyes. (Okay, I’m a coward.) I didn’t want to see the mouse and scream and wake everyone up. The scrunching of the paper continued for maybe fifteen minutes, or more.
In the morning I got up and looked and the cookie hadn’t
been touched. The bag was still tightly closed. No sign of mice. I figured a
friendly ghost had tried to have a snack, but without any success.
When one of my girlfriends woke up she said she’d heard
someone digging at the bricks above her bed during the night. It had kept her
awake for hours. She was sure it was the ghost, maybe trying to get out from
behind the wall.
Two nights later my other girlfriend said she’d seen a woman
in a blue dress with a hooped skirt in the corner of the room, looking at her.
Obviously we were sharing the room with a friendly ghost.
This isn't a ghost story but my mother was in a care home several hundred miles away. At noon one day I came home from work at lunch and decided to call my mother and see how she was doing. I dialed the number. Her phone did not ring and I could hear her talking to a volunteer. She was asking that person to please call her daughter (me). She gave the person my number and the volunteer dialed. I heard all this and kept yelling "Hello! I'm here!" but no one heard me. When she finished dialing I said "Hello" again and this time she heard me. I was still on my phone and obviously it didn't ring. The volunteer handed the phone to my mother and we talked.
Do you have an explanation? I never have figured it out.
This isn't a ghost story but my mother was in a care home several hundred miles away. At noon one day I came home from work at lunch and decided to call my mother and see how she was doing. I dialed the number. Her phone did not ring and I could hear her talking to a volunteer. She was asking that person to please call her daughter (me). She gave the person my number and the volunteer dialed. I heard all this and kept yelling "Hello! I'm here!" but no one heard me. When she finished dialing I said "Hello" again and this time she heard me. I was still on my phone and obviously it didn't ring. The volunteer handed the phone to my mother and we talked.
Do you have an explanation? I never have figured it out.
There are many such stories and lots of tales about ghosts in the French quarter and I
believe them all. What about you? Do you believe in the paranormal? Have you
any stories to share? I’d love to hear them.
Now head over to Marci Baun’s blog and see what she has to
say about the paranormal. http://www.marcibaun.com/
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
My New Book
I am getting ready to upload my new book, MISSING. It's the second in The Hawkins Family series, set in Montana. This is Luke's story. Luke is the only brother not working on the ranch. He's the town's doctor. The older doctor who was his partner is retiring and Luke has been advertising for a new doctor. His only response is Allie Parsons, from New York City, who can't believe the isolation of Duster, a small town in Montana. She has signed a contract to work temporarily there until he can find a permanent replacement. It's been edited and I'm going over it for the last time. I thought I'd share a short excerpt from it. If you have any comments, I'd love to hear them , especially if they'll make it a better book.
Allie pushed open the door to the clinic and
stepped into the small, crowded waiting room. A slight scent of antiseptic
tickled her nose. She stopped. Silence crept across the room. One by one, heads
turned toward the door.
might be the novelty of a stranger, but more likely it was the novelty of a
stranger in fancy, city clothes with a run up her leg, all the way to her
thigh. She threaded her way through the patients to the reception desk.
Patient’s heads turned. A few of them put down the magazines they were thumbing
through. Allie made a mental bet that
those magazines were probably three or four years old. The furniture in the
waiting room had seen better days, but it was serviceable.
men and women stared at her, probably wondering who the heck she was. Several
patients smiled at her. She managed to return the smiles. At least no one
approached the desk. The man standing behind the counter; tall,
broad-shouldered, maybe thirtyish, with curly dark hair and a strong, square
chin caught her attention right away. His cobalt blue eyes, under long dark lashes,
latched on to her as she walked toward him. Even partially covered by his lab
coat, his muscled chest strained against the white t-shirt.
he was the doctor he definitely was not the old geezer she’d expected.
few feet from the desk, she stopped. His electric blue eyes locked into hers.
She couldn’t look away. Sensuality oozed across the space between them. Her
breath hitched into an irregular rhythm, kicking her pulse up a notch.
you finally got here. I thought Jean would send someone a little faster.” His
rich, smooth voice rolled over her. “Look, we’re backed up. Patients’ files are
over there and the appointment book is on the desk. Check them in, pull their
file, and put the file in the slot by the examining room door.”
me?” She managed to break eye contact. She stared up at the man snapping orders
at her. She’d run away from one tyrant and had no intention of putting up with
another over-bearing one, even if he was knock-down gorgeous. His firm abs, linebacker-type
shoulders and muscular body did not compensate for his attitude.
Who did this jerk
think he was?
back stiffened. She assumed he was the doctor, but his manners confused her. If
staff and working partners were expected to put up with this, no wonder they
hadn’t been able to find another doctor.
“You’re not going to make me repeat all that
are you? I have a room full of patients. I thought when I asked Jean to send a
temp over from the hospital she’d send someone with training and at least a
vague idea of what you were doing.” A sigh slipped through his lips and he
rolled his eyes. The look he gave her placed her one step above an idiot.
turned and pointed to a huge pile of folders. “The patients’ files are…”
pulled her shoulders back, raised her chin and tightened her lips together. “Excuse
me. I believe you’ve made a mistake. First of all, I’m not stupid. Second, I’m
not your damn temp. I’m a doctor, Alexandra Parsons, M.D. I understood you were
expecting me.”
the new doc? Shoot. I didn’t expect you today.” The heart-stopping man stared
down at her. His full lips drooped in apparent disappointment.
disappointment could be her, or the fact he still didn’t have a temp. She
couldn’t tell.
arrived early, so I could acquaint myself with the town and find a place to
live. I just dropped by to introduce myself.”
focused on her, drawing his eyebrows into a frown. “You’re the new physician. I
should have known by that fancy outfit. It screams big city.”
I’ve just arrived and haven’t had time to get my jeans and plaid shirt yet.
I’ll move that to the top of my list, so I’ll fit in.”
smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, but he controlled it. He ran his
fingers through the tangle of dark curls. “Look, I’m sorry. I mean … my
mistake. Donna, my receptionist quit this morning with no notice. She ran off
with some truck driver. I’ve got a room full of patients and a long list of
messages to return. The phone keeps ringing, and right now, I need a receptionist
to sort this mess out.”
I also desperately need another doctor. My day is not going well, as you can
see. I’m Luke Hawkins by the way.” He stuck out his hand.
wiped her hand on her skirt before extending it. He immediately encased it in strong
I suppose that receptionist is expected to be a female?”
He dropped her hand.
shook her head. “Forget it.”
stepped behind the desk and opened a bottom drawer. She dropped her purse
inside, before glancing at the appointment book. “Mrs. Douglas?”
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
I know our
Canadian Thanksgiving is over. Monday, October 14th was our
Thanksgiving. Like many of us I had a wonderful turkey dinner. But I got to
thinking, what is the day really about?
Yes, we should
be thankful and I was, for many things, but where did the Canadian Thanksgiving
day come from? As a Canadian, I had no idea – so I researched it, mostly for my
own interest, but I thought I’d share it. The Canadian Thanksgiving occurs on
the second Monday in October every year. It was officially proclaimed by the
Canadian government on Thursday, January 31st, 1957.
A Day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest
with which Canada has been blessed – to be observed on the 2nd Monday in
It is a statutory
holiday in all the Canadian provinces except Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia,
New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, where it is an optional holiday. It
also coincides with the American Columbus Day and the English and European Harvest
festival. And like the Americans we also have football games and parades in some
area, on the day.
days were observed in Canada starting in 1799, but weren’t held every year. After
the American Revolution, American refugees who remained
loyal to Great Britain moved from the newly independent United States and came
to Canada. They brought the customs and practices of the American Thanksgiving
to Canada, such as the turkey, pumpkin, and squash. (Football came later).
The first Thanksgiving Day after Canadian Confederation
was observed as a civic holiday on April 5, 1872, to celebrate the recovery of
the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) from a serious
For many years
before it was declared a national holiday in 1879, Thanksgiving was celebrated
in either late October or early November. From 1879 onward, Thanksgiving Day
has been observed every year, the date initially being a Thursday in November. The
date of celebration changed several times until 1957.
So now I know.
It was something that evolved over time and with input from various countries
and people. If you have any other interesting information or tidbits on our
Thanksgiving, please share them with us.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
October is Breast Cancer Month
I write about
Breast Cancer on my website under Health Tips. It’s mostly statistics, prevention,
treatments and reconstruction. If you're interested in that information you can check it out at http://www.beverleybateman.com/
Here I decided to blog
about my personal experience with cancer. When I was forty-two I volunteered to
participate in a Canadian Breast Cancer study. It was a five year program. I was
assigned to yearly mammograms plus diet information. The other group just
filled out a written diet information form. In the third year of the study they
found a few pin pricks inside an area about the size of a dime. I had a fine-needle
biopsy and it was diagnosed as cancer. I had a lumpectomy.
Nine years later
I had another very small lump in the same breast. The cancer had returned. My
specialist was wonderful. We had a talk and he gave the choices – and included
having another lumpectomy. (Which isn’t a choice, but he gave me control over
my decision) When I went back he said that really wasn’t an option – which I
knew. I had a mastectomy. I didn’t have reconstruction at the time, because I
didn’t think it was that important. I didn’t have chemotherapy or radiation. I
took Tamoxifen for the next five years. And so far I’m still cancer free.
I did have breast
reconstruction after about five years. I got tired of my prosthesis falling out
in the garden and at the gym. I also couldn’t wear anything with much of a
neckline because if you bent over your prosthesis fell forward and gaped. I got
should have done it at the time of my mastectomy.
I know there are
many other women out there who have gone through breast cancer, or are going
through it. I’d love to hear your stories. Please post them.
Or if you have
any questions, please ask.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Critter Care Wildlife is a small (Canadian) organization that cares for wild animals found injured, or in the case of black bears cubs, abandoned, when their mothers were killed. The small staff care for the animals and nurse them back to health, or until they are old enough to manage on their own and then they are released back into the wild. Visitors are not welcome without an appointment so the animals do not get used to humans. Last year Critter Care ended up with 12 black bear cubs whose mothers had been shot. It's expensive to feed them. I've been a supported of this organization for a long time. You can check them out at http://www.crittercarewildlife.org/index.php
This is not about donating money, although that is always gratefully received, but about voting. They are try to get money through Aviva.
They need votes - one a day for the next 9 days. If they finish in the top ten they go to round two and are eligible for some of the money. If you'd like to help them you by going to Aviva, registering and voting. www.avivacommunityfund.com
Critter Care is near the end and they have a Black Bear picture beside their name.
If you have any questions or comments about the organization let me know.
And if you vote - thanks in advance.
This is not about donating money, although that is always gratefully received, but about voting. They are try to get money through Aviva.
They need votes - one a day for the next 9 days. If they finish in the top ten they go to round two and are eligible for some of the money. If you'd like to help them you by going to Aviva, registering and voting. www.avivacommunityfund.com
Critter Care is near the end and they have a Black Bear picture beside their name.
If you have any questions or comments about the organization let me know.
And if you vote - thanks in advance.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Everyone is going vegan these days.
I’m thinking of trying it, maybe not vegan, but heading toward vegetarian, or at
least trying for a healthier diet. I don’t eat a lot of red meat anymore, but I
still eat chicken and seafood. I’m eliminating white bread, pasta and rice.
That’s not a problem. I’m increasing my vegetables and my fruit intake. I’ve
switched from regular cheese to goat cheese and from regular milk to almond
milk. That was easy because I like it. I don’t use sugar, but I do like salt
and my family doctor keeps telling me to throw away the salt shaker. That is so
hard to do. When you’re eating fresh raw veges, like tomatoes and cucumber, that
touch of salt enhances the flavor.
Anyone have any good suggestions on something to replace salt and that works as well?
1/2 tsp sea salt 2 tbsp fresh or ½ tbsp dried parsley
2 tsp finely grated lemon zest
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
Anyone have any good suggestions on something to replace salt and that works as well?
I’m now going to try and cut back on
caffeine. I drink herbal tea, but I really need that caffeine hit in the
morning. We’ll see how that goes. I’ve switched from eggs to steel cut oats in
the morning – well most mornings. I’m
not sure I can give up eggs.
Is anyone else out there vegan,
vegetarian or trying to switch? Or even
just trying to eat healthier? How’s it going?
Here’s a recipe I’m using to make Lemony
Brown Rice. I like it.
1 c. Brown
Basmati rice 1
bay leaf
2 ½ c water 1
½ tbsp olive oil1/2 tsp sea salt 2 tbsp fresh or ½ tbsp dried parsley
2 tsp finely grated lemon zest
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
Bring water, salt, lemon zest and
juice, bay leaf and parsley to boil. Add rice, return to boil and then lower heat
and cover. Simmer for 40 minutes or until all water has been absorbed. Turn off
heat; keep covered and let sit for 5 min. Remove bay leaf. Add olive oil and
mix gently.
I’ll keep you posted on my progress
(or not). If you have a great recipe please share it.
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