Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Genres with David Russell

This week we’re going to find out a little about author David Russell. January ‘s theme is ‘Genres’ so David will be talking about genres. He’ll also tell us a little about himself and his writing, and answer some fun questions.
b. 1940. Resident in the UK. Writer of poetry, literary criticism, speculative fiction and romance. Main poetry collection Prickling Counterpoints (1998); poems published in online International Times. Main speculative works High Wired On (2002); Rock Bottom (2005). Translation of Spanish epic La Araucana, Amazon 2013. Romances: Self’s Blossom; Explorations; Further Explorations; Therapy Rapture; Darlene, An Ecstatic Rendezvous (all pub Extasy (Devine Destinies). Self-published collection of erotic poetry and artwork, Sensual Rhapsody, 2015. Singer-songwriter/guitarist. Main CD albums Bacteria Shrapnel and Kaleidoscope Concentrate. Many tracks on You Tube, under ‘Dave Russell’

Beverley: Which genre or genres do you write or prefer to write?
David: Literary romance and speculative fiction
Beverley: What prompted you to write in the genre you do?
David: A close friend of mine tried writing a romance, and this was a catalyst to me
Beverley: What genres do you enjoy reading?
David: Romance, Paranormal, SF, History
Beverley: I’d love to hear what you think of the present genres, how they’ve been affected by self-publishing and where you think they might be headed.
David: Self-publishing has had an enormous effect; it has certainly removed barriers to experimental work. Since many so-called publishers now do not promote in addition to publishing, it is becoming the main channel; many writers have switched to it.
Beverley: How long have you been writing?
David: For about 5 decades’ now
Beverley: Who influenced you the most in deciding to become a writer?
David: William Golding
Beverley: What obstacles did you have to overcome to begin creating your work?
David: My own hesitancy, frequent struggles to find the right words and expression
Beverley: What gets your creative juices flowing?
David: Experiences, reminiscences, comparing notes with others about their experiences and reminiscences.
Beverley: What will stop your creative muse the quickest?
David: Having to attend to the practicalities of business and everyday living
Beverley: What do you have for breakfast?
David: Either Muesli or two pieces of toast
Beverley: What do you wear when you are writing?
David: Generally, my ordinary clothes; a dressing gown if I work through the night.
Beverley: Where do you do most of your writing?
David: In my workroom/bedroom
Beverley: Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Why?
David: Speedy Gonzalez; I like to feel I think and act fast
Beverley: Who would you love most to meet 'in person' and why?
David: Suzanne Vega – she is feminine and sensitive, also hard-hitting, and perceptive
Beverley: If you had an unexpected free day what would you do with it?
David: I would probably go to a long-neglected art gallery
Beverley: What are you working on now?
David: Two sequels to my novella Self’s Blossom.

Blurb for Self’s Blossom

Self's Blossom is a short novella in the erotic romance genre, with Selene, a woman in search of her sexual identity, as the vibrant main character. Selene is intellectual, independent, free spirited and totally trapped in the limitations of her peer group and society. Her pragmatic best friend Janice describes Selene as a dreamer, "living in the cuckoo land of her imagination". Desperately looking to find herself and get a bit of erotic adventure, Selene goes on holiday to South America.

Brought to life by the Sun, sea and holiday atmosphere of her resort, Selene's first erotic awakening comes about through the ocean - "the spirit of love beckoning her with a pulsing sinewy body." After this, Selene searches for a lover and has a brief sexual encounter with an eighteen year old local. But it is her through her meeting with the American anthropologist Hudson that Selene' erotic nature is awakened and she explores the many layers of her being. Hudson is her intellectual rival and mentor, and he introduces Selene to the other side of South America - the primal elemental energy of the carnival, the 10,000 year history of South American civilisation and the breathtaking and often cruel power of its environment and landscape.

With Hudson, Selene's holiday adventures suddenly become fraught with danger and intrigue - She is threatened with death by hunters when she plays environmentalist with Hudson and his friends, she is bitten by a deadly snake when she goes exploring with him, Hudson has to save her from a bar room brawl with the locals which suddenly explodes due to a sexual indiscretion. The indigenous population have an entirely different culture and life-rule than Selene knows from her predictable friends in London.

Although Hudson is the catalyst for Selena's awakening, it is fair to say that she challenges him intellectually and opens his world weary eyes for the magic of the moment also. Their mutual search for something beyond the mundane leads them both to the top of a South American pyramid, where Selena visualizes herself as a modern God Queen and Hudson as her God King. They have both gone on a dangerous and fascinating journey down through time and braving a foreign culture and environment. It is therefore significant that Selene does not seek full surrender to her lover in the passion of the moment on the moonlit beach - in fact she slaps his face when he attempts to do so - Instead she wants their love to be fully consummated through the pampered and luxurious Western trappings of the hotel Bridal Suite. Selene concludes: "True Seduction was total theatre," "The true ideal lay in laced artifice" not in "ideals of naturalness."

Here, in the luxurious trappings of traditional Western romance and eroticism, the adventure ends and the God Queen and God King sublimate their experience like some modern day High Priest and Priestess and the alchemy of their mutual transformation is complete. Knowing that they will be unable to ever rival or surpass this moment of absolute sexual apotheosis, the lovers now part and go their separate ways - Hudson to his job in the US and Selene back to London. But the author David Russell leaves us with a sense that more has been accomplished here than just a nice holiday memory for Selene and her lover. Selene can now return to the humdrum of her everyday existence and the emptiness of her London life with the alchemical blossom inside her - the Blossom of the self which has been totally awakened inside her.

There is the very real sense that Selene will never be the same woman again after this.

Buy Link:

You can find David at:
Don’t forget to check back next week for another author interview and discussion of genres.

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