Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday Tips and Tweaks

Controlling Your Plot
I don’t know about you, but when you’re writing your story you need to keep track of your plot. Each genre can pose different challenges. I write romantic suspense so I have to keep track of bodies, red herrings and potential threats. I have Scrivener and I know it’s supposed to be great for that, but I honestly have taken the time to be comfortable with it, yet.

I have a basic ‘cheat sheet’ which I got from another author.  I keep it beside my computer and make notes on it as I write. The first page has four horizontal columns; Page (Pg); Chapter (CH); Day (1, 2,); Scene – widest column so I have room for comments – such as Sam strides through hotel lobby. Shots fired through window. You keep adding the pages depending on the size of your book.

I also have a second page which has two horizontal columns; day – Monday, Tuesday, etc. and then External (EXT) or Internal (INT).
So Monday – EXT Empress Hotel bar -  afternoon                Gabe sees Maggie and realizes he still cares  

It works for me and I can skim back and see where he first saw her or when shots were fired. It helps to make sure I’ve tied up all loose ends, too.
What do you use to track your plot?     



  1. I'd love a copy of your cheat sheet Beverley!

    1. I'll send it over. It's actually pretty basic.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Melissa. I appreciate you dropping by.

  3. Oh my, that what I need to do. I'm always going back to find a spot that I thought a shot happened or something was said. Thanks for the tip.

    1. It's so important to get details right. As a reader I remember reading a NY author. The heroine picked up her tuna sandwich, carried on a conversation and put down her ham sandwich. It pulled me right out of the story. I had to go back and double check it.

  4. Hi Beverley! I don't think I've visited you before. I'll have to remedy that in the future. ;-)

    When I had a 32 bit computer system I loved a program called Quick Plot. I haven't been able to find it for a 64 bit system so I use pen and paper. I do not write suspense but I do write series so keeping things straight from one book to another can be a challenge if I do not keep a diary of sorts.
    Creative Blessings! Angela

    1. Hi Angela, Glad you dropped by. Hopefully we'll see you again. Writing a series, which I've also done is even more challenging to keep all the details down from like book one to book three or four. A diary of sorts would work as long as you can find what you want or need.
